sábado, 18 maio 2024
InícioCapitalConcessionária de energia afirma que aumento de 400% no valor das contas...

Concessionária de energia afirma que aumento de 400% no valor das contas está correto

A electric power company in Campo Grande has stated that the 400% increase in energy bills is accurate, and that the surge in usage reported by some residents of Vila Margarida and brought to light through “Direto das Ruas” on Thursday (18) may be linked to the high temperatures in the city. Concerned with the 400% increase in their electricity bills, residents claimed that the charges for this month were “outrageous.” “Energisa clarifies that the electricity bills delivered this January refer to a period of the last 30 days, on average. Even if the family’s habits don’t change, it’s possible that there may be an increase in consumption, exclusively due to the high temperatures,” Energisa said in a statement. According to the residents’ complaints, electricity consumption jumped from 300 kWh in December of last year to 1,300 kWh in the first month of this year, resulting in an average increase of R$1,000 in all residents’ bills. The electric company said it is important to keep in mind that appliances “which mainly work with cooling, such as air conditioning and refrigerators, are running for longer periods on hotter days, and as a result, more energy is being consumed to maintain the programmed temperatures in the devices.” “In the cases referred through the website and analyzed by the company, it was found that the reading that generated the respective consumption of the customers is correct. If the customer wishes, they can request meter verification by the company,” Energisa concluded. “I noticed a drastic increase in my electricity bill; I thought it was an isolated incident, but quickly saw an increase of at least 1,000 kWh on my neighbors’ bills. If this increase were up to 50% in the summer, it would be justifiable, but a 400% increase is outrageous,” said 34-year-old teacher Diego Ocampos, who paid R$316.20 at the end of last year and R$1,456.41 this month. In December, his electricity consumption was 233 kWh and jumped to 1,209 kWh on the current bill. A resident of Naviraí Street, he said the issue was identified on Thursday (18) and caused great outrage not only among nearby neighbors, but among residents on adjacent streets who also noticed an increase in the amount to be paid. To assist customers in using energy efficiently and economically, Energisa recommended that the temperature of air conditioning units be set at 23°C, a factor that, according to the company, contributes to savings. Among the recommendations, the electric company said that faulty connections and installations can cause overload on the power grid. Turning off electronic devices, moderating the use of electric showers, adjusting the position of mirrors, and charging cell phones and LED bulbs at specific times can help reduce the monthly bill. In case of need, customers can contact Energisa through the following service channels: Energisa On App Website: energisa.com.br WhatsApp (Gisa): (67) 99980 0698 Call Center: 0800 722 7272.
