domingo, 19 maio 2024
InícioCidadesRiedel introduz uma nova Carteira de Identidade para estimular a emissão

Riedel introduz uma nova Carteira de Identidade para estimular a emissão

To encourage people to get the new free ID document in Mato Grosso do Sul, Governor Eduardo Riedel (PSDB) posted a step-by-step guide to getting the document on social media this Wednesday morning (17).

Accompanied by the First Lady, Mônica Riedel, the state leader went to the Fácil unit at Shopping Bosque dos Ipês in Campo Grande. “It’s quick and completely electronic, and it’s valid throughout the national territory. The new ID is free of charge. Every 29th a new appointment opens on the official portal,” he said.

Riedel emphasized that once again Mato Grosso do Sul is leading the way in offering an essential service to the population. “People come at the scheduled time and can update their document. It’s an evolution that we have in the country, and the State already offers this service to the population,” he concluded.

“The demand is high, so we will increase the number of slots for next month. On the scheduled day, if a person is single, they need to bring their birth certificate, and if they are married, they need their marriage certificate. As the document will have the CPF number, this also needs to be in good standing,” said the director of the State Identification Institute, Márcio Cristiano Paroba.

Other features of the new document are that it will have a series of additional important information, such as blood type, information about diseases, number of the work card, PIS/Pasep (Social Integration Program and the Public Servant’s Heritage Formation Program). After the procedures begin, the new ID should be ready in around 25 to 30 days.

How to get the new ID – Interested citizens can schedule the issuance without leaving their homes. Just go to On the scheduled date, it is necessary to go to the unit with your CPF, Marriage Certificate, Birth Certificate. Optional documents include: Naturalization Certificate, PIS/Pasep, blood type, voter ID, and others.
