sábado, 18 maio 2024
InícioEducaçãoLista dos 216 candidatos aprovados no concurso para professor efetivo - Confira...

Lista dos 216 candidatos aprovados no concurso para professor efetivo – Confira agora!

The Government of Mato Grosso do Sul has announced, through an extra edition of the Diário Oficial do Estado, the list of approved candidates in the state education network’s permanent teacher competition. The first 14 approved candidates were officially announced early in the day, while the remaining 202 were appointed in the afternoon, making a total of 216 professionals.

The approved candidates will work in the areas of Art, Biology, Geography, History, Physical Education, English, Portuguese, Sociology, and Philosophy.

According to the administration, the activities for teachers and other school staff will begin on February 1st in the 348 school units and centers of the state network across the 79 municipalities of Mato Grosso do Sul.

“I have signed the appointment of 216 new teachers for the State Education Network, which is becoming stronger with new qualified teachers from the recent competition. We have expanded the hiring so they can start working at the beginning of the school year,” said Riedel.

With the start scheduled for February 21 and the end of classes set for December 13, 2024, the school break will take place between July 17 and 31, according to the calendar released by the State Department of Education.

View the list of approved candidates here: [Link to list of approved teachers]
