segunda-feira, 20 maio 2024
InícioInteriorIdoso morre após ser atropelado por dois veículos enquanto andava de bicicleta...

Idoso morre após ser atropelado por dois veículos enquanto andava de bicicleta elétrica

Cláudio Francisco da Paz, a 62-year-old man, passed away in the hospital three days after being hit by a car and a motorcycle on Aldair Rosa de Oliveira Avenue in the Lagoa Maior region of Três Lagoas, 327 km away from Campo Grande.

On Sunday evening (14), Francisco was riding an electric bicycle and attempted to cross the avenue when he was struck by a Ford Fiesta. He fell to the ground and then a motorcycle ran over the victim.

The elderly man was critically injured and received emergency care from the Mobile Emergency Care Service (Samu) before being taken to Hospital Auxiliadora, where he was placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), but unfortunately did not survive and passed away on Wednesday (17).

According to JP News, the victim’s daughter contacted the Community Police Station (Depac) and filed a police report. The Civil Police report lists the incident as a “to be determined” death, with no information about the vehicles that hit the victim or their drivers.
