sábado, 18 maio 2024
InícioEducaçãoEstudantes confiam em economias para garantir faculdade e sustentar a família

Estudantes confiam em economias para garantir faculdade e sustentar a família

The approval of a financial incentive by the Federal Government on Tuesday may mean for students starting high school in 2024 that they can guarantee future access to college and even put food on the table.

Student Flavielly Murer, 15, revealed that if she can secure the scholarship, she plans to save most of the money to invest in a Psychology degree after high school. “I intend to engage in college right after [high school], because I’ll have a good amount of money to pay for many months [of tuition],” says Flavielly.

For Flavielly, the scholarship will be of great help, especially to avoid dropping out of school. “It will definitely help a lot! Many people are giving up on studying, but I think that with this, many people will decide to continue,” she says.

Sixteen-year-old Thiago de Andrade will also start high school this year. Although he doesn’t yet know the details of how to obtain the scholarship, he mentions that the help would be welcome to cover the costs of volleyball championships. “I’m a volleyball player, so I would save the money to invest in athletics. I need to change my sneakers once a year and go to the championships,” he says.

Fifteen-year-old student Marcos Vinicius da Silva is also starting the 1st year of high school this year. Unlike Flavielly, the teenager hadn’t heard about the aid, but he reveals that the help would be welcome, especially for the family. “It could help with a new cell phone, putting food on the table. [The scholarship] is good, it gives you an extra incentive to want to go to school, to keep studying, at least to a certain point,” says Marcos.

‘Nest Egg’ – The Federal Government sanctioned Law No. 54, 2021 this Tuesday, which establishes a financial incentive for public high school students.

Young people from low-income families regularly enrolled in public high school and with their families registered in the Single Registry for Federal Government Social Programs (CadÚnico), with a monthly per capita income equal to or less than R$218 will benefit.

In the case of education for youth and adults, those in the age group of 19 to 24 years may receive the benefit.

To access the benefit, the student will need to have a minimum attendance, ensure approval at the end of the school year, and enroll in the following year, as the case may be.

The rule also requires participation in the National High School Exam (Enem) for those enrolled in the last grade of high school, in the exams of the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), and in the exams applied by the external evaluation systems of the federative entities for the high school stage.

The deposit will be made into an account in the student’s name. The account can be a digital social savings account. The savings account will not be considered in the calculation of the family income for the granting or receipt of other benefits.

The value of the scholarship will be defined by the Ministries of Education and Finance.
